Is There Something Called Too Much Prayer

the people's talmud


It’s funny as you would think you could never get enough of prayer. And yet even in spiritual issues, there needs to be both a sense of moderation as well as sensitivity to how much prayer a congregation can handle.

The Sages, highlighted in the Talmud (Berachot 12b), say they had given serious thought to including in the daily prayers parts of the Biblical texts where the evil prophet, Bilam, forced against his will by God, sang some of the most beautiful praises of the Jewish people. The Sages were thinking of even adding it to the core prayer known as the Shma Yisrael, the prayer that commits to the awareness of One God and the acceptance of God into each of our lives.

Yet, the Sages rejected this idea out of concern that even these few extra moments of prayer could become burdensome to the congregation and…

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